There are two rolls in this collection. The first is a census (copy) of the Saginaw Chippewa reservation in Mount Pleasant (Mich.) taken in Oct. 1938 by Peru Farver. Each entry includes: person's name, sex, age, year of birth, tribe, degree of blood, marital status, relationship to head of family, and where enrolled. A few additional notes are included, ex. Mark's son. Additional columns for residence at another jurisdiction (location) are blank. 389 people are listed in 31 pp. The census was typed onto printed Indian Census Roll forms for the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs. The second roll is a revised roll of members of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Mount Pleasant (Mich.). It is part of the Central Correspondence Files of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (copy of the microfilmed correspondence from the National Archives). For each person on the list, the following information is included: names (which are in alphabetical order by family surname), if they are minors, age, relationship, and degree of blood for each person. A few additional notes include if people belong to other tribes or are white. 212 families are listed and 388 individuals. The typed list was prepared in accordance with Section 2 of Article III of the Tribe's constitution and By-laws at Mount Pleasant on July 6, 1938 and was signed by Elijah Elk (Tribal Chief), Elmer B. Simonds (Tribal Secretary), and stamped as approved by Oscar L. Chapman, Assist. Secretary of the Interior on March 22, 1939.